Photograph of scattered invitational brochures for the competition ACM Gia Dinh 2022. They are seen floating on a blue background.

ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang

ClientACM Gia Dinh
Branding project for a student-managed academic competition with a unique twist on Vietnamese folklore.

"Long ago in a distant universe, fairy tales, legends, ancient gods,... all co-exist and prosper..."

ACM Gia Định 2022: Tích Tịch Tình Tang is an algorithm-focused academic competition held in Ho Chi Minh City. Contestants are faced with practical problems in the form of puzzles, a true test of their logical analysis and teamwork abilities.

With a twist of the folklore theme, we want to introduce students to the rich world of Vietnamese classical literature, at the same time promoting other fine cultures and traditional values of the country.

Legendary treasures featured in ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang.


The wordmark for ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang.


The official color palette for ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang.


The official fonts for ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang.


In addition to the signature blueprint grid pattern, we used Comicola’s Dai Việt vector illustrations collection. Other graphics were designed with cultural accuracy in mind, with a lighthearted doodle look.

Patterns and illustrations used in ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang. Patterns and illustrations used in ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang. Patterns and illustrations used in ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang. Patterns and illustrations used in ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang.


An integral part of the competition’s rollout revolved around tri-weekly posts promoting the unique fantasy setting. The storyline was carefully weaved into a continous narrative featuring heroes, foes and the world at stake.

A collection of Facebook post thumbnails designed for the ACM Gia Dinh page during the leading up to the competition.

Folklore Podcast

To promote ancient cultural ideals, we also ran a series of video podcasts. Collaborators shared lesser-known folktales from across the lands - be it magical or anchored in reality.

Split section of the layout of a ACM Gia Dinh podcast's video.

Explainer Video

The competition consists of two stages, with the second being the final face-off. To better visualize its ruleset, we created an explainer-style video to accompany the host's spoken instructions.

Gemstone illustrations featured in the ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang finals.

Contestant Materials

The event also featured themed contestant IDs, scorecards, and other necessities. These materials followed the overall theme to ensure a coherent visual experience for participants.

The set of ID cards designed for contestants at ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang. Various contestant ID cards for ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang. Standee scorecards designed for ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang. Custom-designed prize awards for ACM Gia Dinh 2022 - Tich Tich Tinh Tang.

Final Thoughts

Creating a cohesive brand for ACM Gia Định 2022 - Tích Tịch Tình Tang was a rewarding journey that celebrated Vietnamese folklore through a competitive platform. Each piece of collateral was designed to capture the essence of this cultural adventure, bringing it to life for both participants and spectators.