Assortment of different pages on different devices of the Logeix website.
Interactive Design Branding

Logeix - Shopify SEO Agency

Logeix are an international Shopify SEO agency working with established, +$1m/year revenue brands. We launched this new design with credibility and conversion as top priority, all while keeping it pretty.


Logeix grow organic search revenue for high SKU Shopify Brands, with clients all around the world including the UK, US, AU and more.

When building this webiste, conversion is the name of the game: from headlines that clearly communicate the unique value prosition to cleverly placed credibility factors, everything was thoroughly tested.

Modern illustration of a green and white megaphone with colorful flourishes and design elements around it
Isometric 3D view of some key pages on the Logeix website


While the goal is to funnel visitors into booking a call at /contact, every page is ranked for Shopify SEO-related keywords and they are great pieces of content on their own.

An overview of the wireframe and site structure for Logeix


Logeix's typography guidelines


Logeix's color guidelines


A huge part of the project was dedicated to building the website on Webflow. This involved adding interactive elements and adapting the layout to different browsers across different devices.

Animated gif showing the transition between Figma and Webflow when building Logeix's site Animated gif showing the interactive components on Logeix Animated gif showing the interactive components on Logeix
Screenshot of a blog post on Logeix Mobile mock-ups of three webpages on LogeixDevice mock-ups of the Logeix website Mobile mock-up of the Logeix website