A laptop displaying the website of PestControlSEOs, the #1 niche SEO agency for pest control companies.
Interactive Design


Building a blazing fast website for a niche SEO agency based in British Columbia, Canada posed a new challenge: developing a scaleable platform that's easily manageable by a diverse team of editors.


Gary, the founder of PestControlSEOs, approached me with a request to redesign his website. While the site had no glaring technical issues, it suffered from a lack of visual identity and a proper system for maintenance and updates.

Most of the site was built from scratch using Elementor, with the rest featuring code and styling borrowed from other landing page designs. This made it difficult for their editors to update the site’s content.

Furthermore, their CMS was underutilized, with blog posts and case studies not using WordPress CMS at all. They were instead made by duplicating the same page design over and over.

My task was not only to give the website a facelift but also to develop a sustainable system for their team to efficiently manage the site in the long run.

Testimonials featured on PestControlSEOs' website

Site Structure

As an agency website, the vast majority of PestControlSEOs’ pages were static copy:

Example of PestControlSEOs' information pageInformation Pages (12 pages)
Example of PestControlSEOs' landing pageLanding Pages (11 pages)
Example of PestControlSEOs' web-based toolTools (5 pages)
Example of PestControlSEOs' case study pageCase Studies (11 pages)
Example of PestControlSEOs' blog postBlog Posts (25 pages)

Among these, case studies caused the most issues for editors. The complexity of their layout, which involved code-only sections for different parts of each case study, meant that even minor content edits required a working HTML knowledge.

To get around this, I set up custom data fields with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin and added conditional visibility for optional elements. This eliminated the need for editors to modify each page’s HTML code to update content, as all data fields were moved to the editor dashboard.

A screenshot describing how case study custom fields are set up on PestControSEOs' website.

Site Speed

One of the initial challenges was addressing the site's poor performance. Despite having little to no interactive components, the site suffered from slow loading times, especially on lower-end devices. The culprit was the fact that the site was built with Elementor, known for limited structure customization and inefficient HTML output. Unoptimized images, some exceeding 4MB, also contributed to the problem.

As part of the redesign, the entire website was ported to Oxygen Builder which does a phenomenal job minimizing the HTML output. Images were also replaced with properly compressed versions.

The site now consistently scores over 95% on GTMetrix and 90% on Lighthouse.

A Lighthouse report for one a page on PestControlSEOs A GTMetrix report for one a page on PestControlSEOs


Many of PestControlSEOs’ information pages were built using the default WordPress template i.e. they had a single H1 and walls of unstyled text with the occasional stock image.

Google’s tracking data revealed that most users left the page within just 35 seconds of browsing - not even enough time to skim past the introduction paragraph.

To address this issue, I manually reviewed every single piece of content on the site, replacing redundant bits with user-focused element: compelling testimonials, impressive growth statistics, and a clear explanation of the agency's processes. These were of course then integrated into actual layouts to maintain visual interest.

PestControlSEOs' Google My Business guideGMB Guide
PestControlSEOs' services breakdownServices
PestControlSEOs' CTA exampleCTA Example

CMS Pages

The blog posts and case studies on PestControlSEOs.com were initially not managed with a reusable template. Creating new posts involved duplicating an existing page and replacing its content.

After resolving this by re-creating them with ACF, I gave them a total redesign:

PestControlSEOs' Google My Business guideBefore
PestControlSEOs' services breakdownAfter
PestControlSEOs' CTA exampleBefore
PestControlSEOs' CTA exampleAfter

Landing Pages

PestControlSEOs’ ad landers have always performed well conversion-wise, requiring no more than a seamless migration to Oxygen Builder.


PestControlSEOs also offer a suite of simple web-based tools for pest control businesses, which were also ported to the new design. The client requested an easys way to add extra content to each tool, which was achieved with an FAQ section.